The benefits of drinking raw juices and smoothies is the abundance of chlorophyll found within them. Chlorophyll is a green molecule found in plants that absorbs sunlight during photosynthesis and converts it to energy. Chlorophyll said to help with blood detoxification, wound- healing, digestive health, energy, immune system support and cancer prevention.
Welcome to our 86juicebar blog post. Here we like to use our platform to provide education on living a healthy lifestyle and eating clean healthy food.
Drinking with a purpose!
Whether you choose to drink raw juice or smoothies, you've made progress to improve your health.
Juicing is the process of extracting the juice from fruits, vegetables and herbs, then consuming this "Liquid Gold" or "Green Gold" ! I refer to raw juice in these terms because of the amazing health benefits you receive. Raw juice fasting has gained so much popularity due to the health and weight-loss benefits. Juicing is very easing on the digestive system, which allows all of the nutrients, minerals and vitamins to be easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Please do NOT confuse raw juice with the artificial, sugar-filled drinks found on supermarket shelves. Those juices are completely void of any nutrition or health benefits. Raw juice should only be prepared by using fresh organic fruits, vegetables and herbs. In order to promote weight loss, raw juices or smoothies should have an 80% vegetable, 20% fruit ratio.
Most people believe that raw juices don't contain fiber, but this is not true. There are two types of fiber that are found in fruits and vegetables, which are insoluble & soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber acts like a broom and sweeps the inside of the intestines, speeds up digestion and adds bulk to your stool. This bulkiness is what regulates your bowel movements. This particular fiber is present in higher amounts in smoothies vs raw juices. Soluble fiber also helps regulates blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, easily absorbed and give the feeling of satiation. Raw juices tend to have more of the soluble fiber. Good sources of high fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
Drinking green raw juice and smoothies are an easy palatable way to get all of your nutrition and flood your body with an intense dose of nutrients.
I love making smoothies due to the versatility and creativity of blending your favorite fruits and vegetables. Smoothies are super simple to make and you don't need to be a master chef to create your own recipes. Smoothies differ mostly from juicing because of the different types of fiber, which I mentioned the difference above. Smoothies offer a massive amount of fiber, which helps prevent a glycemic spike while cleansing and detoxifying your colon. If your bowels are feeling a little sluggish then make a smoothie with the 80% vegetable, 20% ratio. Bananas, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Pears, Apples, Avocados, Collard greens, Swiss Chard Chia seeds & Hemp seeds are fiber-rich foods that can be added to your smoothies.
Get Inspired
So don't be afraid to make a smoothie or drink raw green juice, because you'll be missing out on the loads of nutrients you can get in one serving. You can also shop for these products at